972 resultados para CHLC PAT CLIN


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Physical urticaria includes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the development of urticarial lesions and/or angioedema after exposure to certain physical stimuli. The authors present the case of a child with severe acquired cold urticaria secondary to infectious mononucleosis. Avoidance of exposure to cold was recommended; prophylactic treatment with ketotifen and cetirizine was begun and a self-administered epinephrine kit was prescribed. The results of ice cube test and symptoms significantly improved. Physical urticaria, which involves complex pathogenesis, clinical course and therapy, may be potentially life threatening. Evaluation and diagnosis are especially important in children. To our knowledge this is the first description of persistent severe cold-induced urticaria associated with infectious mononucleosis in a child.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutations in Portuguese women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) and a control group of parous women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: FVL and PT G20210A analysis were carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and 100 controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal losses). RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in women with RM (5 and 3%) compared with controls (5 and 1%) OR 1.36 (CI 95% 0.45-4.08). In RM embryonic subgroup, PT G20210A was observed in 1.3% of women and FVL prevalence (2.6%) was inclusively lesser than that of controls. Both polymorphisms were more prevalent in women with fetal losses than in controls, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of the >10 weeks' subgroup. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that neither FVL nor PT G20210A is associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with embryonic RM and negative personal thromboembolic history.


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Sharing some closely related themes and a common theoretical orientation based on the governmentality analytic, these are nevertheless two very different contributions to criminological knowledge and theory. The first, The Currency of Justice: Fines and Damages in Consumer Societies (COJ), is a sustained and highly original analysis of that most pervasive yet overlooked feature of modern legal orders; their reliance on monetary sanctions. Crime and Risk (CAR), on the other hand, is a short synoptic overview of the many dimensions and trajectories of risk in contemporary debate and practice, both the practices of crime and the governance of crime. It is one of the first in a new series by Sage, 'Compact Criminology', in which authors survey in little more than a hundred pages some current field of debate. With this small gem, Pat O'Malley has set the bar very high for those who follow. For all its brevity, CAR traverses a massive expanse of research, debates and issues, while also opening up new and challenging questions around the politics of risk and the relationship between criminal risk-taking and the governance of risk and crime. The two books draw together various threads of O'Malley's rich body of work on these issues, and once again demonstrate that he is one of the foremost international scholars of risk inside and outside criminology.


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Tarkastelen pro gradu -työssäni perinteisten, lähinnä duuri-mollitonaalisen musiikin analysoimiseen kehitettyjen metodien synteesin soveltuvuutta nykyjazzin tutkimisessa. Musiikkianalyysin kohteena on amerikkalaisen jazzkitaristin Pat Methenyn (s. 1954) säveltämä kappale 'The Red One' levyltä I Can See Your House From Here (1994). Nykyjazz rakentuu paljolti länsimaisen taidemusiikin tonaalisille ja modaalisille käytänteille, joten sitä on perusteltua tutkia länsimaisen taidemusiikin analysointiin kehitetyin metodein. Jazzin runsas lisäsävelisyys ja improvisointi aiheuttavat kuitenkin perinteisille analyysimetodeille ongelmia – olenkin analyyttisissä ongelmatapauksissa kiinnittänyt huomion metodien tarkasteluun ja kehittämiseen jazzin musiikillisia käytänteitä vastaaviksi. 'The Red Onesta' on saatavana ainakin kaksi erilaista painettua nuottia (Liite 3), mutta analyysin olen tehnyt kappaleen esitykseen perustuvan transkription pohjalta (Liite 1), joka poikkeaa ajoittain huomattavastikin painetuista nuoteista. Työni pohjalta väitänkin, että jazzkappaleita on mielekkäintä analysoida transkriptioon tai tarkkaan analyyttiseen kuunteluun tukeutuen: jazz on luonteeltaan improvisatorista ja esittäjälähtöistä; painetuista nuoteista on tavallisesti poistettu useita yksityiskohtia. Läpi tutkimuksen painotan musiikin historian ja analyysimetodien tuntemista: Luvussa kaksi esittelen jazzin historiaa aina varhaisesta bluesista nykyiseen elävään musiikkitraditioon. Luvussa kolme käyn läpi työni kannalta merkittävimmät analyysimetodit. Varsinaisessa käsittelyluvussa yhdistän perinteisen sointuanalyysimetodin sointu-asteikkoteoriaan ja esittelen uuden analyyttisen merkintätavan. Uusi merkintätapa koostuu kolmesta hierarkkisesta osiosta, joiden merkitystä voidaan muuttaa aina kulloinkin analysoitavan kappaleen ehdoilla siten, että osioiden välinen suhde korostaa mielekkäästi tutkittavan kappaleen tekstuuria; usean osion käyttäminen mahdollistaa musiikillisen kontekstin huomioimisen oli analyysin painopiste sitten harmoniassa, melodiassa tai esimerkiksi tietyssä instrumentissa.


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Glandular cells, other than the mucous cells, have been described in the skin of various groups of fish (Teleosts, Ganoids, Selachii) and they have been called 'albuminose' by various authors. The authors propose to study the albuminose cells in the skin of Torpedo ocellata Raf. from a histochemical point of view. The albuminose cells have a complex morphological structure and a correspondingly complicated histochemical make-up. One must treat them as an example of cell with secretions of a particular type, which must and will be better incorporated when more is known of characteristics existent in other species.


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This theatre performance, produced in association with An Grianan Theatre, Letterkenny, contributes to two strands of research: theatre and mental health and Irish Physical Theatre in the 1990s.


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Para fazer face a uma nova realidade, limitada pela crise financeira e organizacional em que se encontra o Serviço Nacional de Saúde, têm surgido várias tentativas de mudança dos modelos tradicionais de organização e de gestão nas Organizações de Saúde, a fim de se obterem organizações eficazes (Ferreira, 2011). Tendo como ponto de partida a premissa dos novos desafios impostos pelo sector da saúde, a gestão da Área de Diagnóstico Por Imagem (ADPI) do Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central (CHLC) defronta-se com a crescente necessidade de traçar estratégias de mudança organizacional, com capacidade de adaptação à realidade vigente no sistema de saúde português. Como vários autores reiteram, o passo primordial para a introdução de mudanças organizacionais, passa pela identificação do tipo de cultura organizacional existente. Partindo desta lógica definiu-se a questão de investigação para o estudo, “Qual a percepção da Coordenação da ADPI do CHLC face à cultura organizacional vigente e à considerada desejada face à mudança organizacional para tornar a organização mais eficaz?”. Na mesma lógica, definiram-se como objectivos da investigação empírica, identificar as características da cultura organizacional da ADPI do CHLC de forma a criar estratégias de mudança organizacional, reconhecer as características da cultura que influenciam a eficácia organizacional nos diferentes polos da ADPI do CHLC e comparar as percepções do coordenador e subcoordenadores da ADPI do CHLC, face à cultura organizacional vigente e à considerada desejada em função da mudança organizacional. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, seguindo a estratégia de estudo de caso único com uma abordagem quantitativa. Para o efeito, recorreu-se ao questionário Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) desenvolvido por Cameron & Quinn (1999), o qual se aplicou à população em estudo constituída por 14 indivíduos da coordenação da ADPI do CHLC. Os resultados demonstram que a cultura organizacional vigente na ADPI do CHLC é do tipo Clã, e que é este tipo de cultura que o coordenador e subcoordenadores consideram ideal para o futuro. Havendo diferenças significativas entre hospitais que devem ser exploradas aquando do desenho de uma intervenção de desenvolvimento organizacional.


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Brock Alumnus Pat Beard was the University Secretary during the 1980's. He was a member of BUSU while a student at Brock.


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Brock Alumnus Pat Beard was the University Secretary during the 1980's. He was a member of BUSU while a student at Brock.